
The story behind the technology

When my Mother was battling lung cancer, her doctors prescribed lengthy chemotherapy sessions which caused months of severe nausea. It was difficult to watch, especially since there appeared to be no other options available. Following her death, I learned of several alternatives to reduce or eliminate nausea. I needed to investigate this further.

On what would have been my Mother’s birthday, January 2nd, 2016, I was determined to create a device she could have used to at least try these alternatives safely. If successful, my hope was that future patients suffering from extreme nausea would have a safer option to try new therapies.

On June 6th 2017, I successfully patented my first smoke cooling technology that used no water or electronics. During this period studying burning organics, I learned about other dangers associtated to burning organics like nanoparticles, ammonia, heavy metals and CO2. After another year of extensive research, in September 2018, I successfully patented a smoke cleaning process that was incorporated into the cooling media inside each pipe.

In my research Vaping devices burn dry organics at over 350F, which the patient inhales directly into the lungs, with no filtration of nanoparticles and harmful chemicals. Glass devices are worse with a much higher inhaling temperatures that also damage the lungs. Even with ice added to the water, glass is unable to cool hot smoke. Glass by design is an insulator, so there is nowhere for the heat to escape except directly into the lungs.

In addition to a stand alone cooling device, it was clear we needed to develop adapters to be used with glass pipes and vaping devices. It had become increasingly obvious that inventing a healthier process for inhaling medication was just a part of this challenging journey. Educating the public and delivering this information to the consumer is essential. In order to do this, establishing strategic partnerships with industry leaders is the primary focus of this website. This strategy expands your market as you introduce the CuulCo line technology.

Contact Us

Contact Dave directly at Dave@Cuul.Co

Watch our 2-Minute video.  www.SmokeCooler.com  

Watch our smoke cooling demo.  www.CuulSmoke.com

(c)2020 David Bauer – All rights reserved – Representing any information contained within this website is strictly forbidden without prior authorization and approval by David Bauer in writing.  Patents pending in the US, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Australia, Thailand, Russia, and 39 countries in Europe.


First… the pipe showed up today!   I was extremely happy after trying it.  Then, I took 3 super big hits … and nothing,  no coughing, nothing.  I love your product.   Thank you for figuring this out for us that don’t like to coughing my lungs out.

You’re the best! People will flip when they try this pipe!!! I’m sold. Best smoking device EVER!



Mr Bauer,

 I had to write you… I recently bought your dry cuul pipe… Back story… I’m 65 and have lung cancer and my kids asked me to try cannabis for the nausea, tried the THC gummies.. didn’t like the way they made me feel.. I have tried to smoke with what my kids use but I couldn’t take the heat made me cough bad.. I heard about the cuul pipe dry vape and went to the Coughing Cardinal store in St Louis Mo.. the rep sold me your pipe.. all I can say is Thank You Jesus… it has been a game changer for me… unreal how it works and so beautiful too amazing quality.   Thank you for developing this… I’m sorry for why you did invent it… I lost my husband to lung cancer too and wish I knew about your pipe for him..
